fried egg beside bread platter
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2B Mindset Breakfast Ideas You Are Gonna Love!

I have included some affiliate links in this post of products that I have used. If you use any of these links to buy something, I may make a small commission.

Starting our days with proper nutrition is vital if you are on a health and fitness journey. If we do not eat enough for breakfast, we are setting ourselves up to be hungry the rest of the day. These are some of my favorite breakfast items that follow the 2B Mindset nutrition program.

Hi, I’m Jenna!

I help Christian stay at home moms take care of themselves so they can better take care of their families. Being a SAHM is much harder than I ever would have guessed possible, but God has taught me how to not only survive, but thrive in motherhood. You can too momma!

cooed food

What is 2B Mindset?

You have probably heard of Beachbody before, but you probably think about workouts. Did you know that they also offer  two nutrition programs to help their customers lose weight and get healthy? 

2B Mindset is Beachbody’s newest nutrition program.

To get the best results, it takes nutrition and exercise together. The creator of the 2B Mindset program is Ilana Muhlstein, a registered dietician. After struggling with being overweight her whole life, she finally lost 100 pounds and helps others do the same. Get her book, You Can Drop It here to learn more about her transformation and weight loss program.

What can you eat for breakfast on the 2B Mindset?

Technically, you can eat just about anything for breakfast, as long as it is paired correctly.

2B Mindset is a weight loss and healthy lifestyle program that focuses not only on WHAT we are eating, but WHEN we are eating and WHY we are eating. After doing some tracking, we discover certain patterns that are affecting our weight loss.

Ilana has a plating system that helps teach us what our breakfast, lunch, snacks, and supper plates should look like for each meal. This is a great tool to use whether eating at home, at a party, or at a restaurant.

For breakfast, 50% of your plate should be protein and 50% should be fiber filled carbs (she calls them FFCs). So, if you are making oat flour pancakes for breakfast that is a great fiber filled carb! You need a solid source of protein though too, such as eggs, yogurt, or a protein shake.

Another example are these homemade granola bars that are such a fun breakfast to keep in the freezer and are great for busy mornings. Don’t forget to pair with protein, such as hard boiled eggs, greek yogurt, sausage, or turkey bacon.

Pretty simple, right? This weight loss program is so sustainable and will leave you feeling amazing!

My favorite 2B Mindset Breakfasts

Whether you are following the 2B Mindset nutrition program, counting macros, or just trying to be healthy, starting your morning with protein and carbs is always a good idea.

Pancakes & Waffles

Pancakes and waffles can be a great fiber filled carb, but not all of them are. Double check your ingredients and make sure you have some fiber in them.

I like oat flour pancakes. Just take 2 eggs and 1/3 cup of oats and mix together with a fork. Cook like regular pancakes. Technically this would be a protein AND and fiber filled carb, but don’t be afraid to add some more protein on the side.


Oats have some protein in them, but are typically counted as a FFC. I would suggest pairing them with even more protein, such as yogurt, meat, eggs, or a protein shake.

Here are some of my favorites oat recipes:

Breakfast Sandwiches

Breakfast sandwiches are a great option and are perfect for meal prepping! Grab one or two pieces of your favorite bread or bun, add some meat, eggs, and cheese. Stick in the oven for a few minutes and you have a quick and healthy breakfast in no time!

Meal Prep Tip– Make 10-20 sandwiches at a time and stick in the freezer.


Eggs are such a fun way to get your protein AND your carbs for breakfast. There are so many ways that you can serve eggs. Some great FFCs to go with your eggs are sweet potatoes, white potatoes, hash browns, toast, and tortillas.

Protein Shake or Smoothie

I am such a fan of starting my day with a protein shake. It takes so much of the guess work out of “what should I make for breakfast?” Every morning that I workout, I make myself a protein shake. One less decision I have to make.

Since I add banana to my shake, it could be a complete breakfast for me because it has a good source of protein and carbs. However, I have found that it is not enough food to keep me full until lunch, so I also add a small FFC, such as a piece of toast or English muffin.

Here is my current favorite protein powder. (I do make commission on this if you buy anything)

Meal Prep Breakfasts

As a busy mom, I know how crazy mornings can be. Getting a healthy breakfast for ourselves might not always be top on the list. That is why I am a HUGE fan of meal prepping. Now before you say, “I don’t have time to meal prep” or ” I don’t know what to do” let me just tell you it is much easier than you think and you CAN do it. It is a complete game changer for me!

If you want to learn more about meal prepping, check out this beginner’s guide.

As always, thanks for stopping by Living Practically. See you next time!

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