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Looking for ways to prevent stress? These helpful tips will keep the stress away so you can enjoy your best life momma!

If you are reading this blog I can assume you are a mom, since I am a mom blogger. I can also assume that you have felt stressed and overwhelmed during this phase of mom life.

Stress is a part of everyday life, especially as moms. Getting all of the kids out of the door with everything they need is a DAILY struggle and elevates stress.

After having our second baby, I decided to stop teaching and become a stay at home mom. I thought that transition would be easy, after all I WANTED to stay home. Adjusting to two kids and being a stay at home mom REALLY elevated my stress. I knew that something had to change.

As a perfectionist, I set out to get better. I read many books about stress, rest, busyness, and how it affects our overall health. I focused on being better every day. It did not take long to see a difference and FEEL a difference.


Sometimes stress happens and we can’t avoid it. When this happens, it is important to look back on your day and reflect. Why was I stressed? What put me over the top? Talk with your husband or journal. Once you identify WHAT is causing the stress, you can try to SOLVE it. 

For example, I have found that supper time is my most stressful time of day. Meal planning, meal prepping, and using my crock pot have all helped eliminate some of that stress! Remember, focus on being just a little bit better than yesterday.


These are my top 8 ways to prevent stress that have made a MASSIVE impact on my stress level and know they can help you too!


Whenever I feel behind, my stress level and feeling of overwhelm goes through the roof. You know exactly what I am talking about. It is 5:30, the ground beef needs cooked for supper, the vegetables need chopped, the table needs set, the kids are hungry, fussing, needing held. Sound familiar?

I am not really a sports person, but I heard this “feeling behind” referred to as playing defense and it really stuck with me.

We can’t always prevent stress, but working ahead whenever possible can be helpful.  Try to not “get behind” in your day or the to-do list. Work ahead or as I like to call it, play offense.

Some examples of ways to work ahead:

  • Go to bed with a tidy house.
  • Don’t start your day behind.
  • Set out items you need in the morning.
  • Pack lunches the night before.
  • Cook meat and store in the fridge for quick suppers.
  • Meal plan to cut down on decision making fatigue.
  • Meal prep a few snacks and easy lunches.
  • Unload the dishwasher before you go to bed.


If you are trying to get more organized, having a good planner is helpful. Actually, I am going to change that. Having ANY planner is helpful. I am not a pay $50 for a planner type of girl. Some of you are and that is up to you! No judgment here! Me? I just pay about $10 for my planners. I don’t need anything fancy.

This planner is a place for you to keep everything in your brain on paper so you don’t have to keep thinking about it, worrying about it,  sometimes forgetting it.

I am a big fan of the Blue Sky planners. They are a great price and have everything you need!


Having routines set up will eliminate some of the decision making throughout the day and will therefore reduce stress.

I love to start with a morning routine that sets me up for a good day. Nap and bedtime routines are great ways that your kids can take ownership in their days and help you too!

If you do not have a morning or evening routine for you and your family, do it now. It is life changing!

Having a weekly cleaning routine that takes about 15 minutes a day has also helped eliminate my stress. Having a clean house makes everybody happy!

ways to prevent stress
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on


I know what you are thinking… What in the world does decluttering have to do with my stress?

Let me tell you, it has a LOT to do with it. The more stuff we have, the more work we need to do to keep up with it, and the more overwhelmed we get by seeing it out and about all the time.

If you want help getting starting, I am simply obsessed with The Minimal Mom on Youtube. She gets me and literally teaches you how to declutter your house in simple steps and actually makes it easy.


This could be in MANY different ways and does not need to involve money. Get your kids and husband to help around the house.

After your children turn two, they can help clean up after themselves, like putting their toys away. You don’t have to do it all momma! 

Some ideas for chores for your kids:

  • collect trash
  • set the table
  • clear the table
  • vacuum
  • unload the dishwasher
  • load the dishwasher
  • make the bed
  • pick up toys


Try to plan something each day as a mental break for you and your kids.

  • Wake up before your kids, even if it is just 5 minutes. You need some time to start your day solo.
  • Go on a walk with the kids in the stroller. It is a wonderful time for me to think and the boys to enjoy some fresh air. The exact definition of a WIN-WIN. The kids are happy and momma is happy too!
  • If your kids nap, be sure to spend some of that time doing something you enjoy doing and will help you feel refreshed. Do not spend this time cleaning 🙂
  • If your kids don’t nap, I highly recommend quiet time. This should be a great time for everybody to find a spot in the house and work on whatever they want for at least 30 minutes. 
  • Get your husband to be in charge of the kids for 30 minutes in the evening. He can give them a bath, take them outside or read to them. This is a GREAT BONDING opportunity for them and a time of refreshment for you!



Bible verses, prayers, and positive affirmations can help you keep a good perspective on your beautiful, God-given job as a mom. I know that being is a mom is exhausting and can be so challenging, but God created you for this. He is there to help you. Lean on Him! Ask for help and He will give it.

RELATED- A mother’s prayer for purpose and her family.

In order to be prepared, find your verses, quotes, affirmations, and prayers now. Print them off and place around the house in areas you spend a lot of time. If you need help, you can start with my list of positive affirmation cards for moms.



This doesn’t necessarily mean working out, but it definitely can. Movement releases endorphins, which make us happier!

  • Run or walk.
  • Go on a bike ride with or without the kids.
  • Do a home workout. (See my favorites here)
  • Clean or organize a closet.
  • Take the kids to the park and play with them.
  • Have a dance party with your kids in the living room.

These simple ways to prevent stress can change your life momma! Good luck!


As always, thanks for stopping by Living Practically. I hope you found value here and will be back for more!

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