woman lacing up her gray and pink nike low top athletic shoe
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It is not easy to find time to workout when you are a mom. There are days that brushing our teeth and getting a shower are huge accomplishments. Follow these tips to FIND the time to workout and FEEL YOUR BEST!

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If you are anything like me as a mom with little kids, it is really hard to focus on myself and my needs. 

After feeling completely overwhelmed and like I was drowning, I have learned over the last few months that it’s not selfish to take care of myself. (See my post on Preventing Stress)

I actually can be a better mom when I do take care of myself.

Getting up early, doing devotions, exercising, and showering are a part of my morning routine that all help me start my day off well.



If you find your why, exercising will be something you actually WANT to do.

If you were just working out to lose weight or to build muscle, you can easily get discouraged when you don’t see the results that you want. 

Instead, if you focus on how you feel, it will be easier for you to stick with it because you will feel so good.

Many times we “know we should workout”, but don’t really understand WHY

When I was in college, I learned that running was a wonderful and healthy way to relieve stress. I didn’t run because I wanted to lose weight (although that was a bonus), I ran because I FELT good. 

Find your WHY momma and you won’t struggle with motivation. You will WANT to move!

selective focus photo of woman wearing yellow shirt


Working out doesn’t have to mean going to the gym or going on a run. 

It could be taking your kids on a bike ride. 

Maybe you do 5 minutes of exercise here and 5 minutes there. 

You could take your kids swimming to a local pool. Make sure you tread water or move in the water and don’t just lay out.

Home workouts are a great option. I use Beachbody on Demand and love their affordable workout programs!

Put some fun music on and have a dance party with your kids. What a GREAT cardio workout!

Go big and run a half marathon!

female and male runners on a marathon


Working out 7 days a week as a mom sounds impossible. I’m not saying you can’t do it, but that sounds pretty hard. 

Most of us though will feel good with 3- 5 days of movement a week. 

Set your goal to push yourself without overwhelming yourself. I recommend starting small and work your way up.


If possible, work out at the same time everyday. 

If it works for you, doing it first thing in the morning, before your kids get up is WONDERFUL! 

As moms, we have to be flexible with our kiddos. You never know if they are going to wake up sick, extra clingy, or grumpy. Some days it works to workout WITH them and other days it doesn’t. If you are serious about wanting to workout, I recommend while they are sleeping.

Schedule it in your day like any other activity. You wouldn’t skip your dentist appointment just because you didn’t feel like going.



Accountability is a GAME CHANGER. It seriously can almost guarantee your success or failure.

Find a friend who wants to exercise too. Text each other daily to see if they moved today.

Get other family members on board, especially your husband!

Print off a free tracker and include your kids in it. Let them pick out goals to track.

Get a coach or personal trainer. I use Beachbody on Demand for my workout programs. The annual membership includes access to a Beachbody coach to help keep you accountable! 


Different seasons of life call for differences in workout routines. 

If you have a newborn and you are not sleeping through the night, maybe this is a season where your workout includes going on a 30-minute walk with your baby in the stroller.

Maybe your 6 month old is good in the high chair with a snack during your home workout.

Include your kids in your workouts. Take them to the park and walk laps while they play.

Get a baby sitter. Ask your husband to watch the kids while you go on a 30 minute run.


Don’t say you don’t have time, say it is not a priority. If there is a will, there is a way. Let’s be honest, if it is important to you you’ll find a way to get it done.

Stop making excuses and do it. That sounds harsh, but I mean it truthfully and lovingly.   

Taking care of yourself should not be the last thing on your priority list momma. I have been there, but that is NOT where moms belong. 

I have come to the point where working out is a part of our life and I feel better when I move my body. God created our bodies to move, and that’s when I feel my best. That’s my why. Find yours.



  1. Find your why and you won’t have to worry about motivation.
  2. Get creative in your workouts with or without your kids.
  3. Set realistic goals that will not be overwhelming.
  4. Find a routine that works well for you AND your family.
  5. Get some accountability.
  6. Be flexible and make changes if your schedule, workouts, etc. aren’t working right now.
  7. JUST DO IT!


As always, thanks for stopping by Living Practically! I hope you found value here and will come back for more!

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