

When we hear the word meal prep we probably think of that beautiful picture we saw on Instagram or Pinterest.

The one where all of the beautiful meals are in color coordinated containers and everything is perfectly placed in a row.

flat lay photography of three tray of foods
Photo by Ella Olsson on Pexels.com

Ha! It is gorgeous, but seriously, who has time for that?

I’m here to tell you that is NOT what meal prep has to look like. My inner OCD self would love for my meal prepping to look like that. But that’s not me. 

I’m a busy mama who doesn’t have time to make sure my containers are color coordinated. And I’m guessing if you are here, you don’t either. 

To me, meal prep means anything I can do to prepare meals, or to partially prepare meals to help save me time later. 

I used to think this meant taking a Saturday or Sunday and 3 or 4 hours to make my meals for the week, or even the month and stick them in the freezer. For some people this works.

But for me and my family this didn’t work. I didn’t have 3 to 4 hours free on a weekend, and even if I did, I didn’t want to spend it in the kitchen. 

I’m so glad I found a better and more practical way!

I have included some affiliate links in this post of products that I have used. If you use any of these links to buy something, I may make a small commission.

​There are three main types of meal prepping.

  • BATCH COOKING. This is when you make a large batch of specific items or meals and keep them in the fridge or freezer. You could set aside one day and make multiple meals to stock your freezer. (I have done that multiple times and feel very productive, but also EXHAUSTED and have a VERY messy kitchen.) I have learned that I like to just double or triple recipes that I am already making and then stick them in the freezer. For example, whenever I make lasagna, I make a 9×13 for dinner and a second one for the freezer.   I LOVE this because there is no extra mess or dishes.
  • PREPARING INGREDIENTS. I LOVE doing this in my kitchen because it saves me so much time and it is SO easy. I get the cutting board, knife, and vegetables out and chop up what I need for the next couple of days. Then, I just throw them in the fridge and wash a few dishes. This also works really well for meat. Grill extra chicken breasts for supper one night and then use them for salads, wraps, pasta, etc another night.  When it is time to cook, just grab your prepped ingredients and use however you need them.
  • SINGLE PORTIONED MEALS. This is when you already have each meal divided up in a portioned container. If you are trying to lose weight, this is a great option. It does take more time and a few more dishes, but can definitely be worth it! Here are some great meal prepping containers in glass and plastic.
colorful pasta to show what you can meal prep


SAVE TIME. As a busy momma, I seem to always be short on time. Meal prepping is a game changer though and helps keep me sane! 

If my kids are napping, I like to get a head start on supper. I don’t know about you, but supper time is the CRAZIEST time of day for our house. A combination of hungry kiddos, a stressed momma trying to get supper on the table, and a messy kitchen all add to the chaos.

If I can have the hamburger cooked, meat marinating, vegetables chopped, etc. it helps tremendously!

SAVE MONEY. Use up foods that will be going bad first and have them ready to grab quickly.

MINIMIZE DISHES. When you are in the kitchen, be in the kitchen.

For example, if you are going to be chopping carrots for dinner, go ahead and cut all of your vegetables for the next couple of days while you have your knife and cutting board out.

If you are going to make rice, triple the batch, freeze the leftovers, and only wash the dish once.

STAY ON TRACK WITH YOUR HEALTH GOALS. It doesn’t matter what your health goals are, meal prep can help ensure you are eating the right amount of food and the right kind of food. 

It is going to be a lot easier to grab those carrots or salad if they are all ready


Most people don’t realize that meal planning and meal prepping are very different.

Meal planning is the first step of getting organized and then meal prep is the physical preparation of the food.

To me, they go hand in hand.

I like to plan the meals for the next day or two and then I can do small preparations in cracks of time throughout the days to help save time later before physically preparing the meal.

Checkout my blog post here if you are interested in learning more about meal planning. 



As I mentioned earlier, there are different types of meal prepping.

The elaborate portioned out meal prepping is definitely not for everybody (including me). But basic preparations for your meals definitely can work for you and your family. 

For example, I will make an egg casserole or baked oatmeal once a week and store it in the fridge for a quick, easy, and healthy breakfast. Each morning, we will microwave the portion we want for the day. This is a very simple example of meal prep.

Some people could go a step farther and dish out the correct portion for each meal. To me, that is too much work, time, and too many dishes. 

You can tailor meal prep to fit your schedule and season of life!


There are so many great things that you can do for meal prepping. Again, don’t over complicate it.

BREAKFASTS– I love to make an egg casserole, breakfast burritos, egg sandwiches, or baked oatmeal for the week. Simply heat it up & serve on your busy morning. I also like to make overnight oats as they are a great grab-and-go breakfast.

LUNCH– I like to throw together salads and portioned out leftovers for a quick lunch either at work or at home. 

SNACKS– Bag up single servings of vegetables, fruit, nuts, or yogurt. Make them healthy and easy to grab. This works great for kid snacks too.

TIP-Buying your own big bag and portioning them out in your own snack bags saves you money.

SUPPERS– The only meal preparations I do for supper is ingredient prep.

If I can have the vegetables chopped or the meat cooked that helps significantly! (Here is the tool that helps me chop my veggies in no time!)

We enjoy a nice home cooked meal in the evenings so, I try to make our food fresh and not serve leftovers.  Again, that is just what we have found we enjoy most.



1. Have a basic sketch or plan for the foods you will be eating tomorrow or throughout the week.  Again, check out my post on meal planning so you can learn the basics and download the meal planner I use to stay organized.

2. Decide which type or combination of types of meal prep will work well for your family. 

3. Pick a few recipes you want to try or know that your family likes. Focus mostly on breakfasts, lunches, and snacks.

4. Prep a few items for tomorrow’s meals. It should take less than half an hour. 


If you are wanting to lose some weight, or just focus on eating healthy, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND meal prep.

Again, there are so many ways that you can make it work for you.

As a woman who has struggled with her weight her whole life, I can tell you that working out, drinking water, and being organized in nutrition are GAME CHANGERS for me. 

If I don’t do these things, I am not successful with losing weight or feeling my best.

Take some time to get a plan, do some prep, and feel your best. IT TRULY IS THAT SIMPLE!

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