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Simple FREE Cleaning Schedule Printable

This free cleaning schedule printable is perfect for the busy mom who feels like she is cleaning and picking up after her kids 24/7 but still not seeing any progress.

I see you momma. Everywhere you look is a mess. Toys scattered throughout the house. Dishes from yesterday cluttering the sink. A pile of laundry washed and dried, but waiting to be folded and put away.

My adjustment to being a stay at home mom was not an easy. I went back and taught after my first was born, but decided to stop teaching after my second was born. Even though I was used to being with kids all day, I wasn’t used to the mess and the repetitive tasks over and over again. I felt like I was always behind and could never get caught up. As I was cleaning one room, my toddler was destroying another room. I just couldn’t keep up.

Having a messy house definitely correlates with my level of stress. When my house is a mess, I feel overwhelmed. I was living in a constant state of overwhelm and felt behind ALL THE TIME.

That is when I knew that I needed to figure this out, I couldn’t keep living life like this.

crop woman dusting lamp during housework

Creating a manageable cleaning schedule has been beyond helpful for me, but there have been so many things that I have implemented to help me not only survive motherhood, but actually thrive!

Check out these other posts that will help you create systems in managing your home and lower your stress:

SIDE NOTE: Having a messy house DOES NOT mean that you are a bad mom, Satan just wants you to think that. Check out my Affirmations for Moms to help combat Satan’s lies and stay positive momma!

Click to check them out.


Before we go too far, I want to note that there is a difference between having a tidy house and having a clean house.

A tidy house means no clutter, nothing on the floor, items are organized and everything is in its place.

On the other hand, a clean house means no dust, vacuum lines, spotless windows, a fresh smell through the air. It means it doesn’t feel dirty, grimy, moldy, etc.

Does it really matter? I think so! Knowing that my toddlers are going to play with toys and there is going to be some clutter

I believe your house CAN be clean, but not tidy. (Ahem kids live there…)

This post is about using a cleaning schedule to keep your house CLEAN, not necessarily tidy.



I call these the daily essentials. These are the basic things that help me to feel like my house is clean.

These might be a little different for everybody, and that is okay. Maybe you pick one simple chore to do a day every single day. We are keeping things simple here and build the daily routine of managing these tasks. The goal is you do them without even thinking about it!

  • Counters– This means clear off the clutter on your counters, bedroom dresser, table, desk, and bathroom counter. Go an extra step and wipe them down with an all purpose cleaner, Clorox wipe, or a natural cleaner. Getting rid of visual clutter will help you feel better instantly!
  • Floors– When you go to bed, do a quick scan of the house to make sure everything is put away and the floor is tidy. We include this in our evening routine with our toddlers. All toys should be put away for the night, shoes put away, no piles in the bedroom floor, etc. We also sweep the kitchen floor daily because it gets real nasty real fast.
  • Laundry– Wash one load of laundry, dry it, fold AND put it away before you go to bed. No exceptions. Well, unless it is Sunday. Our family observes Sunday as a day of rest and I do absolutely no housework.
  • Dishwasher (and dishes)- At some point in your day, start your dishwasher and unload it. I used to like to start ours when we go to bed and unload in the morning. Recently though, I discovered a pattern of feeling rushed in the morning, because I couldn’t load the breakfast dishes until the dishwasher was unloaded. I decided to switch things up a bit to see if that helped. Now, I start the dishwasher right after lunch and unload before supper. The dishes never get a chance to pile up! Do whatever works for you!

You better not be doing all of these things by yourself momma! Enlist your husband and your kids (aged 1+) to help out. I hear of moms cleaning when their kids go to bed and I cringe. After a long day, the last thing they want or should be doing is cleaning. Besides, I believe we need to be teaching our child how to work and help starting at a young age. Use the precious bed time to fill your cup or have some quality time with your husband, not cleaning.

kitchen interior with gray cabinets and wooden counter top


There are many other things that you could include in your daily tasks, but these are ones that don’t necessarily come naturally, at least for me. Find 3-5 tasks that will help you “keep up” with the daily messes and feel comfortable in your home.

If taking out the trash isn’t on your daily list and it is full, you will take out the trash because it needs done. Adjust your daily tasks to how you see fit.

The schedule HAS to work for you, otherwise, you won’t stick to it.


Each day I like to focus on one room and one task for the whole house.

This just feels like the practical thing to do. For example, if I have my vacuum out, I might as well sweep the whole house instead of getting it out each day.

So, let’s jump right in!


I like to start my week with cleaning the BATHROOMS. Nothing too fancy here, just a simple quick clean up.

  • clean toilets
  • clean sinks
  • tidy any messes

The whole house chore is disinfecting ALL the counters throughout the house. We try to wipe them down daily, but a good deep clean or disinfecting is needed sometimes too!


No matter how many you have in your house, your BEDROOMS need a little TLC each week.

  • put clothes away
  • organize any drawers
  • tidy any messes
  • wash sheets (you can count this as your load of laundry for the day!)

The whole house chore is dusting ALL throughout the WHOLE house. If you already have your dusting supplies out, you might as well take 10 minutes to dust everywhere.


Wednesdays mean LIVING ROOMS.

  • tidy any messes
  • fold blankets, move pillows, etc.

The whole house chore is vacuuming ALL throughout the WHOLE house. If you already have your vacuum out, you might as well take some time to do it everywhere.


Last but not least, the KITCHEN! I love having a clean kitchen, especially because that is where I spend so much of my time. Keeping the counters cleaned off helps it feel tidy everyday too.

  • wipe stove
  • clean microwave
  • clean sink
  • look through fridge, toss any old food
  • wipe appliances (if they need it)
  • wash towels, rags, and sponges (you can count this as your load of laundry for the day!)

The whole house chore is sweeping and mopping ALL hard surfaces throughout the house. I am partial to microfiber mops because they making mopping so quick and easy!

composition of cosmetic bottle with pink rose petals and wooden plate


Today you get to clean wherever you want! If you have a laundry room, mud room, desk, office, etc. feel free to work there today or just catch-up on anything you didn’t get to throughout the week.


Similar to yesterday, you get to do want you want today too. I like to focus on bigger jobs on Saturdays.

  • outside jobs (mowing, wedding, raking leaves)
  • tidy garage
  • clean inside & outside of car
  • organize a closet, pantry, etc.


The only thing we do on Sunday is the basics, like washing dishes and putting away toys.

We believe Sundays are for rest and not work, so we enjoy less tasks and more family time!


You have to actually do the work. There are tons of great cleaning schedules and checklists out there, but it actually comes down to YOU doing the work. Here are a few tips to help you stick to it!

  • Do your cleaning in the morning as that is when people have the most energy. Having a good morning routine can be very helpful!
  • Get your kids (and husband) to help you, even when they are young!
  • Change your mindset about cleaning. If it is something you dread, you are going to put it off. Instead, realize you LIKE when the house is clean. You feel GOOD and productive when you can see a clean house
  • Set a timer for 20 minutes. Seriously, it doesn’t take that long to have a clean house if you do a little bit every day.
  • Have a cleaning playlist or a podcast you enjoy listing to. Make it FUN!
  • Make modifications to the cleaning if necessary. It must work for you and your schedule.


Are you ready to get your house in tip top shape and still have free time each day?

I hope that this free cleaning schedule printable can help you and your family minimize the work load and enjoy life more!

Thanks for stopping by and hope you come back for more!

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